var anotherDevsRamblings = this;

Welcome to my little corner in the big world. Feel free to poke around. This is the home to my ramblings on technology, gaming, current events and so on and so forth. Eventually I might consider myself one of them hipster bloggers... :D

My final year project is finished, and with that, college!

Posted: June 1, 2016 | Author: Glen Keane |

Hey! This is just a quick update to let anyone who is interested know that I have completely finished my final year project! I have two things to provide to interested readers: My report. This is the final thesis for my college coursework! A report I needed to do on the planning and requirements for the project. A report I needed to do on the formal specification of how the project worked. My first semster report. My first semester presentation. My designed poster. My thesis is available here. The report for the planning and requirements is here. The report for...

Tags: personal final-year-project node.js react

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My final year project first semester material is available!

Posted: January 6, 2016 | Author: Glen Keane |

Hey! This is just a quick update to let anyone who is interested know that I have finished my first semester of work on my final year project! I have two things to provide to interested readers: My report. This has a lot of technical analysis and design plans for my project. My presentation. This is embedded below! Warning, information overload. My report is available here. And my presentation is available here, and embedded in an iframe below! :) I also have a demo application which has the synchronisation functionality working, available here. That’s all! Thanks for reading. :)

Tags: personal final-year-project node.js react

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Realtime Browser Communications - Why WebRTC is not the choice for me.

Posted: November 17, 2015 | Author: Glen Keane |

Introduction In my previous post, I talk about why WebSockets are a good choice for my final year project: Essentially, it is an “always open” connection from my server to clients in a room, which allows for the clients to send synchronization messages to each other quickly and easily. In my post on why I am choosing node.js for my final year project, I talk about the differences between client-server and peer-to-peer architectures. The websocket implementation allows for a client-server approach for the development of my assignment, but using WebRTC would be a peer-to-peer implementation. What is WebRTC? WebRTC stands...

Tags: general personal software websockets webrtc realtime-communications final-year-project node.js

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Realtime Browser Communications - Why use WebSockets?

Posted: November 12, 2015 | Author: Glen Keane |

Introduction: For my final year project for college, I am building a service for users to sign up to, create their own “rooms”, share their rooms and get other users connecting to those said rooms. In these rooms, you setup a queue of youtube videos, and view them. The cool thing is that it keeps the video in sync across all connected users in realtime! Booyeah! So, behind the scenes, I have decided to use node.js for the server, and use React for the UI. Now, in my previous posts talking about why I’m using them, I avoided the topic...

Tags: general personal software websockets realtime-communications final-year-project node.js

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Deciding on frontend tools for my final year project.

Posted: November 6, 2015 | Author: Glen Keane |

Introduction As I have already discussed in a previous post, I am using node.js for developing my final year project server, as it is the right fit for me personally. I will now discuss what I will be building the front end, or client side, of the application with. The main argument I will be making within this post will be angularjs vs reactjs for the User Interface. Finally, I will conclude with the choice I have made and my reasoning behind it. What kind of user interface I want to build For my final year project, I am developing...

Tags: general personal software frontend react angular final-year-project node.js

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Working at nearform: My experience as a software developer intern.

Posted: October 28, 2015 | Author: Glen Keane |

(I originally wrote this for nearForms blog, nodecrunch, here) I was a software development intern at nearForm from January to September 2015. During my time at nearForm, I learned some really important life lessons that I’ll never forget. Where to start? The lessons I learned include the following: - How to code as part of a large, globally distributed team. - Coding isn’t all there is to being a good developer. Writing skills are essential. I learned to hone my writing skills to best put them into practice. - Having a good manager is great. Having the best of managers?...

Tags: general personal software frontend nearform internship

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Why choose node.js for my final year project.

Posted: October 19, 2015 | Author: Glen Keane |

Introduction Today, I’ll be talking about why I think node.js is the right choice for the server for my final year project. Full disclosure before we go any further, I am a node.js developer and have contributed to the node.js core, but I try my best to put any previous experience aside for the purpose of this excercise. So, What the hell is my final year project?. Well, to put it simply, it is a web service on which you can watch videos in sync with your friends across the internet in realtime. So if you pause a video, it...

Tags: general personal software final-year-project node.js

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Choosing a software delivery method for my final year project.

Posted: October 5, 2015 | Author: Glen Keane |

So, I recently started back in college for my fourth and final year. For my course, in my final year I have to complete a project which I propose and then carry out. I had my first interview with my project supervisor the other day and one of the take aways was that he wanted me to (1) keep a blog about my final year project and (2) do a bit of a write up on the delivery method of my final year project, and why I am choosing it versus other popular methods. So this post is the start...

Tags: general personal software final-year-project

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How I created this blog/site, using Jekyll, Github pages, Bootstrap, Disqus and even more handy (and free!) tools.

Posted: August 13, 2015 | Author: Glen Keane |

When I finished my site and published my first post, which detailed why I created this site and what I plan on doing with it, I promised at the end of it to explain in detail how I created this blog, so you, the readers, can do something similar, if you like. The tools I used are free to download and use, so anyone can start using them today to make a site of their own. My overall experience creating this site I had this site ready to use after two to three nights of hacking around with jekyll, which...

Tags: meta jekyll github-pages disqus how-to technical

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My first post, and why I created this blog.

Posted: July 17, 2015 | Author: Glen Keane |

I just completed my personal website and blog! Yay! I can now start to create blog posts and share them with friends and foes alike :D If you stumbled across these rambles by accident and want to read more about me, check out the about me section. This post is the inauguration post for my blog so I would like to clearly define the mission statement of my blog, and what I would like to do with it. Mission statement, Meta talk and My plans My blog is for my friends, tech enthusiasts and developers who might want a window...

Tags: general personal meta

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Glen Keane

About me:

I am a 20-something year old Senior Software Engineer from Waterford, Ireland. I work for a local development company called Threefold Systems and previously worked at a web consultancy called NearForm. I generally work with high performance Node.js, Golang, scalable MicroService architectures and moonlight in the devops world using Kuberenetes or OpenShift. I also like to play with Rust whenever I get the chance. I'm an honors graduate in Applied Computing from Waterford institute of technology. I also love gaming and often spend my evenings playing games, or hacking away on whatever takes my fancy.

My ramblings

June 1, 2016 | My final year project is finished, and with that, college!
January 6, 2016 | My final year project first semester material is available!
November 17, 2015 | Realtime Browser Communications - Why WebRTC is not the choice for me.
November 12, 2015 | Realtime Browser Communications - Why use WebSockets?
November 6, 2015 | Deciding on frontend tools for my final year project.

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Social feeds:

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My Facebook.
My handle is GlenTiki if you want to look for me.